Beltana Weir Restoration Project

The Beltana Progress Association set out to restore the weir which crosses Graham’s Creek in the town and restore flow to the dam during rain events. This project is now complete and we have checked the fall and 'when' we have rain it will flow into the dam.

Beltana Station kindly returned the stones from the weir that were removed in the 1970s to the site to enable the project to go ahead.

DPTI replaced the culvert which failed a few weeks before the project commenced.

We have been supported by SA Water, assisted with technical support from Gary Fuchs, earth moving and Ron Johnson for stone masonry. A trusty band of volunteers mixed mortar and flushed off stones. The water trailer was invaluable to clean up the rocks.

A number of people have asked what the bolts are in the stones. We believe they originally supported a fence to keep stock out of the weir and dam.